Try to imagine Lett dressed in a clown suit and the perfect makeup to accentuate his rubbery dexterity I'm sure Barnum and Baily would hire him in an instant.
just seen on twitter: .
Try to imagine Lett dressed in a clown suit and the perfect makeup to accentuate his rubbery dexterity I'm sure Barnum and Baily would hire him in an instant.
it's been nearly 4 years now since i completely woke up to the watchtower lies.. thinking back on my jw life, during the time i believed, the organization truly did teach us to hate all beliefs that were contrary to the watchtower's.. i hated "false" religion.. so, when i finally woke up and applied critical thinking to my beliefs, i just went on hating religion in general...only this time i added jw's to that list.. a few months of waking up, i decided to base my beliefs on evidence.
i didn't want to have a set of beliefs unless there was some logic or evidence behind it.
so, now i consider myself an atheist.. and i kept on hating religion.. within the last six months or so, something has changed.
Some people need religion I don't. Religion has been some what abusive to me but I don't hate it, I hate the Watchtower corporation but other religions my interest is only mild so no hatred because I just am not very interested in joining any, don't wish them ill or anything it fills a need for some people and I'm ok with it.
just seen on twitter: .
I would like for Lett to give us some singing instructions. He probably start off with: "It's all in the lips, see-> blubber, blubber, blubber, blubber, now don't be afraid of how silly this looks, I do this lip work out for a full 10 minutes every time I'm called on to do public speaking, so come on now letts keep the lips a flapping"
just seen on twitter: .
I'm so glad Old Rubber Mug is a GB and he's on so many YouTube vids, it gives me the shits.
Yes I'm afraid that the man with the floppy lips has help a lot of JDubs leave the "trooth" and begin serving Satan and the flesh. I on the other hand left long before I ever got to see his rubbery horse's ass.
try it it is fun.
I'm sure I got bias racial and other bias too. Even though I know and feel it right and good to treat all men fairly, to tell the truth it's a real challenge to be that way with all people but it's a goal I'm working at.
Dropping all shadow projections we put on people that don't look or act like us should make us a candidate for the Nobel Peace prize if you ask me.
they will come back to you and deny your request, ask them to ask the service department to get organizational procedures.
if still denied refuse to attend with out your lawyer present.
and then ask them who has fairer judicial practices satan's world or jehovah's earthly organization.. no recordings allowed, and definitely no lawyers!
I'm from that area was a JW till 2001. Went to the KH on clayton street was a a new boy to the area came there about 1993.
they will come back to you and deny your request, ask them to ask the service department to get organizational procedures.
if still denied refuse to attend with out your lawyer present.
and then ask them who has fairer judicial practices satan's world or jehovah's earthly organization.. no recordings allowed, and definitely no lawyers!
I asked if my lawyer could attend even though I didn't have one. They got back to me and said no. I'm sure they got the exact wording from the CO or legal/service dept.
So I like a fool went to their kangaroo court session where I was asked if I had any recording devices to which I said no, and told them they are hold a kangaroo court with all this secrecy stuff, to which a elder told me the no recording restriction was for my protected privacy to which I just laughed with scorn.
they will come back to you and deny your request, ask them to ask the service department to get organizational procedures.
if still denied refuse to attend with out your lawyer present.
and then ask them who has fairer judicial practices satan's world or jehovah's earthly organization.. no recordings allowed, and definitely no lawyers!
Why not just show up with one
I suppose that would work but you might save some money my way. My way you save the lawyer cost unless he's working pro bono in that case bring him along.
hey everyone.... i'm new to this but i would like to run my experience with medical marijuana past you.
i'm 48 years of age and have been in the truth for my whole life.. i suffer from ankylosing spondilitis and have for many many years.
it's a debilitating form of spinal arthritis and the symptoms of this auto-immune disorder affect more than my spine.
Munch on Bro!
they will come back to you and deny your request, ask them to ask the service department to get organizational procedures.
if still denied refuse to attend with out your lawyer present.
and then ask them who has fairer judicial practices satan's world or jehovah's earthly organization.. no recordings allowed, and definitely no lawyers!
And see what they say. They will come back to you and deny your request, ask them to ask the Service Department to get organizational procedures. If still denied refuse to attend with out your lawyer present. And then ask them who has fairer judicial practices Satan's world or Jehovah's earthly Organization.
No recordings allowed, and Definitely no lawyers! A kangaroo court with hanging Judges for those who speak negative things about the Holly Organization.